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Kitsu Manga Database Requests
Request changes to be made or a title to be added to our manga database.
You can view current open requests here, to avoid making a duplicate request.
Note that NSFW titles will not appear on Kitsu unless you turned it on in your settings, ensure it's on before searching existing NSFW titles.
Comments - use this to provide sources, and tell us what type of action we should do. *required
Change to make/Comments/Sources/Praises to our lord and saviour Josh
You don't have to fill out the rest...
but it will be super helpful to us if you do, and will enable us to add it faster!

Poster Image
Banner Image - at least 1920 pixels wide for best results (shown at top of page)
Age Rating Guide

Thank you for filling so much out!
Don't forget to take a break here and there. ❤

Yeeehaw, you submitted your infos!
An error occurred. Check the fields above (the comment field in particular), or complain to Uri on Discord.
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